
Welcome to Methods and Approaches in Psychology. Research in Psychology

Representing Data


Various statistical techniques for representing data. The correct layout of a table; graphs (the histogram and scatter chart showing correlation) the use of averages and distribution (i.e. standard deviation). See Representing Data

Planning Research


The key to a good investigation is in the planning. In the 'plan' there should be aims and hypotheses (null and alternative); and a sampling method to represent the population. These include systematic and stratified. See Planning research

Nature vs Nurture


Much more of a comparison than a fight! Which is more relevant; your genes or how you are bought up. Evidence in twin studies, adoption studies, selective breeding, and the conclusion using the rubber band hypothesis. See Nature vs nurture

Mind and Body


The biological approach to psychology, how aspects of physiology influence behaviour. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Structure of the brain, various ways of investigating functions. See Mind and Body

Methods of Research


Investigations in Psychology can be carried out by lab experiment, observational studies or questionnaires. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches, and examples of their use. See Methods of Research



Ethics are a set of moral principles and values that are used in Psychological research to make sure participants are treated fairly. Some things to think about are discussed and other places to look given. See Ethics



Psychologists who study motivation focus on the internal and external influence that might move a person. Motivation is the general term for the process of starting, directing and maintaining physical and psychological activities. See Motivation

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