
Welcome to Cognitive Psychology. Cogntion is about mental processes like memory, problem solving and language.

Working Memory


Working memory is a theory of how short term memory is structured. It involves a central executive, phonological loop and the visuspatial sketchpad that interact to allow temporary thought processes. Studies demonstrating this. See Working memory.

Multi-Store Model


A basic model of three stages of memory (varying in duration): sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory. Theory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin. How this relates to the primacy recency effect. See Multi-Store Model.

Levels of Processing and LTM


Types of long term memory (declarative, episodic and semantic). The levels of processing theory and the study to demonstrate it. Factors that affect the depth of processing and an evaluation of the theory. See Levels of Processing and LTM.



Theories for why we forget: displacement, trace decay, interference, retrival failure; and evidence to support them. Forgetting in short term memory and forgetting in long term memory. Comparisons of the various theories. See Forgetting.

Face Recognition


How we recognize a face. The feature analysis theory (a bottom up theory) or the holistic. An example of the Thatcher illusion (using Tony Blair) of inverted face. A comparison of the two theories and capgras syndrome. See Face Recognition.

Eyewitness Testimony


The importance of eyewitness testimony in law and the difficulty in accuracy. Factors affecting accuracy including age and the use of leading questions. Techniques to improve the quality and accuracy of eyewitness accounts. See Eyewitness Testimony.



Amnesia is a specific medical condition resulting in memory loss because of brain damage. It isn't just forgetting things. There are two types of amnesia: retrograde or anterograde. Trauma, alcohol or Etc. See Amnesia.

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